Friday 1 March 2013

Our Masterpiece...

Maxx and I have been getting crafty again over the last couple of days. We spent Tuesday painting, it was great fun we got to let our creative juices flow and have a giggle at the same time.

Our from room has our dining room table in it and all of Maxx's toys but it's a bit plain and boring, the walls are cream and were in need of a touch up. Before I painted then decided we should have some fun so Maxx and I got ready to paint some pictures on one of the walls.

I organised all of Maxx's paints onto a plate and off he went. His imagination is incredible he was telling me he was painting a storm cloud that sucks up bad people (if only) and he then drew a very tall monster and a beautiful sunshine.

His drawing has come on leaps and bounds recently too. Where before he would mix all of the paints and we would have ended up with a muddy brown circle he is not able to draw shapes, people and of course monsters.

Here is a picture of the wall before and after. 

The wall is great as it has really personalised the room for Maxx and although we will only be keeping it like this for a few days we had a great time painting it and no harm was done as it was being re-painted anyway.

We have explained to Maxx that he is only allowed to paint on the walls if he asks us and we says yes. Hopefully he will remember that conversation! 

Note: I am not suggesting you let your kids loose with paint and paint brushes! It is however great fun and worth considering letting them loose if you are going to redecorate after!


  1. this is a fab idea, Id be so tempted not to decorate over it as Im a sucker for memories

  2. Hmmm.... we've just bought a new house and will be painting it before moving in properly. Should I let Ry create a masterpiece on the wall first? Might be useful for a competition entry too! *wink*
